Many industrial and semiconductor processes need to convert liquids including both water and other liquid precursors into highly controlled and pure vapors.
Vaporization is a phase transition from the liquid phase to gas phase. A vaporizer therefore, is any system that converts a liquid material to a gaseous state. While vaporization is achieved in a number of different ways, all modern vaporizers - such as water vaporizers - have several common characteristics::
- Increase temperature and/or reduce ambient pressure of the liquid
- Enclosed systems to capture and control vapor flow
- Utilize feedback & control loop system to regulate vaporization rate
- Water vaporization/humidification
- Chemical vapor deposition
- Depositing thin films for enhanced thermal, optical or hardness characteristics
- Vaporizing monomers for vacuum polymer film disposition
- Generating calibration vapor
- Vaporizing liquid hydrocarbons
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