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Brooks Instrument407 West Vine StreetHatfield, PA19440-0903 USA
Toll-Free (USA): 888-554-3569 T: 215-362-3500 F: 215-362-3745
T: 215-362-3500
F: 215-362-3745
Brooks Instrument3077 Skyway CourtFremont, CA94539 USA
Corona Manufacturing Facility369 Meyers CircleCorona, CA92879 USA
T: 951-735-3194
Brooks Instrument BVInductorstraat 55-043903 KA VeenendaalThe Netherlands
T: +31-318-549300 F: +31-318-549279
Brooks Instrument GmbHZur Wetterwarte 50Gebaude 337/BDresden, 01109 Germany
T: +49 351 215 2040
Brooks InstrumentAC06 Free zone South 5Jebel Ali Free zoneUnited Arab Emirates
M: +971 50 952 0633
Brooks InstrumentITW Japan Ltd.1-4-4 Kitasuna Koto-KuTokyo, 136-0073 Japan
T: +81 03 5633 7100
Fax: +81 03 5633 7101
Brooks InstrumentA-720 Giheung, HIGGS U TOWER, 184Jungbu-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-siGyeonggi-do, 17095 Republic of Korea
T: +82 31 708 2521
Brooks Instrument (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd Room 203A, Building 6No 1888 Xin Jin Qiao RdShanghai, 201206
T: +86-13817806803
Brooks InstrumentRoom 706, Building 63, Ba Li ZhuangChaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100025 China
T: +86-10-85865624
Fax: +86-10-85860084
Brooks InstrumentRoom 1311, Golden Central Tower, No.3037, Jintian RoadFutian DistrictShenzhen, 518048 China
T: +86-07-5582521105
Fax: +86-07-5582521105
Brooks Instrument India Pvt. Ltd.320, Prabhadevi Industrial Estate408 Veer Savarkar Marg, Near Siddhivinayak TemplePradhadevi, Mumbai, Maharashtra400025 India
T: +91 9833511600
Fax: +91 22 6627 0780
Brooks Instrument61 Ubi Ave 1, UB Point #06-01408941 Singapore
T: +65 9824 5228
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