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Automation Recommendation: The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is Programmed to Adjust the Pressure Regulator Automatically in the Event of an Error

The SLA Series mass flow controllers with EtherNet/IP or PROFINET digital communications are capable of outputting 500+ attributes enabling the ability to diagnose, predict, and potentially correct component or subsystem component issues in real time. However, all this data can be overwhelming making it difficult to put to use.

Brooks Instrument application experts can provide automation recommendations to ensure continuous processing. For example, in this animation, an error from the pressure regulator is restricting gas flow to the mass flow controller. This sets off a restricted flow alarm that is built into the MFC. Rather than prompting the operator to manually intervene, the PLC could be programmed so that if this error occurs, the regulator will automatically adjust and return the system to normal operating conditions. This automation recommendation increases utility and functionality for bioprocessing equipment, decreases system trouble shooting and diagnosis times, allows systems to compensate for various scenarios while reducing system downtime, and allows for easy configuration and set-up for all users.

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