Brooks Instrument knows a lot about agency approvals. If you need a mass flow controller or pressure controller for a hose down or hazardous area requirement you came to the right place! We not only have the approvals, but we can also help you understand which approval is right for your application.
UL 'Listed' and UL 'Recognized' and Which One is Right for My Application?
UL listed means that the product has been tested by UL to nationally recognized Safety Standards and has been found to be free from reasonably foreseeable risk of fire, electric shock and related hazards in a Division 2 / Zone 2 environment. The Brooks Instrument SLAMf Series mass flow controller and SLA5800 Series pressure controller, and the Quantim® QMC Coriolis mass flow meter products are all UL listed.

UL recognition mark
SLA5800 Series thermal mass flow meter/mass flow controller and pressure controllers, and the Quantim IP40 mass flow meter/mass flow controllers are UL recognized.
UL Listed is the more stringent of the two and is recommended if the device is installed directly in a Division 2 or Zone 2 hazardous area. If the device is being installed in a larger system that will provide additional protection then you might consider UL Recognized.
For additional information about approvals and registrations, view this resource page.